About Trolldom & Nordic Spirituality - Online Education & Training.
The teaching is conducted by Johannes B. Gårdbäck, author of "Trolldom - Spells & Methodds of the Norse Folkmagic Tradition". Johannes has 30 years of experience as a professional trolldom practitioner and folk healer.
Before 2018, only in person training in Sweden was avaliable. Then the first video linked private apprenticeship started and in 2020 the first online course was launched.
The course contains:
72 lessons - 1h (+30 min Q & A) LIVE online teaching every week.
Each class will be recorded and posted on our education platform so that you can watch it anytime and as many times as you like.
Access to an online community where you can ask questions, discuss the methods, share progress, and much more...
Course fee:
$160 signup fee for the first 4 lessons. You will then be offered to subscribe ($160/month).
Read what others have said here...
Lesson 1-17:
The foundational essentials and basics. This is what everybody should know a bit about BEFORE entering an old magical tradition and its content.
How to learn and what to unlearn, Natural world & eco-system rather than “supernatural”, Where you are and what you got, Ability to perceive the spirits and the spirit world, relating to Spirits & The Spirit world, What Soul & a soul part is and how to work them, magical properties of natural materials - what that is and how to find, energy and to work it, wisdom - the forgotten foundation, beings & worlds. .
Lesson 18 - 68:
The Trolldom traditional part.
- Entering the Lands: Scandinavian Nature, Culture, Folk Music, Traditional Food, Traditional Folk Art & Crafts.
- History & Folklore. Maps and search tools for Swedish,
- Trolldom terminology.
- How to become Trollkunnig - The Gift and Initiations.
- Spådom & Trollsyn - The Art of seeing the unseen. Developing second sight & divinatory methods.
- Trollformler - Using voice & poetry - Trollformulas, Runes & Songs
- Väsen - Spirit beings of Trolldom; Ancestors of Blood Land and Tradition, The Dead (in various states of being), Deities, Tomten (Household spirits), The Ladies of Lakes, Trees & Forests, Diser, Féer & Fylgier (Shining Ladies and Animal Spirits), Näcken & Bäckahästen (The Nix and our version of the Kelpie, Rådarna (The Guardians), Puken (little “devils”), Spiritus, Trollkatter (Troll Cats), Trollharar (Troll Hares) and other spirits that carry and pull ……and how to build good relations to them all.
- History of Trolldom materials & The Natural languages.
- Human Body - Blood, Spit, Hair, Nails etc.
- Element Eld, Vatten, Väder/Vind, Jord.
- Relating to Nature around us - Trees, The use of Troll Herbs, Stones, Metals, Minerals.
- Förtrollande platser - Sacred locations and places in nature.
- Animals in Trolldom & Folklore.
- Symbols, Signs and Runes - Carving, Embroidering and drawing.
- The use of Time, Calendars and Almanacks in Trolldom.
- Scandinavian Jul & Winter.
- Besvärjelser - (Spells & Magical Rituals) - Understanding a recipe.
- How to make Trollpåsar (Troll bags & Troll bundles).
- Trollstav, Trollkniv, Trollkäppar & Trollspön. (Troll Wands, Troll Knives & Sticks)
- Trollpulver & Trollrök: (Troll Powders, Scents, Troll Incenses).
- Troll-ljus (Using Candles and Colors).
- Trolldockor: (Working with Troll dolls).
- Trollknutar (Knots & Strings - Spinning, Weaving, Needle binding Knitting…).
- Folk Medicine & Humorism, Bloodletting & Cupping.
- Traditional Methods.
Lesson 68-72:
Modern practice.
Professional work.
The role of a Trollcunning person in the local community.
Practitioners support and further training: The Trolldom Society, Trollldom Apprentice Class & In-person workshop weeks.
Be aware that the content can be subject to changes and the reshuffling of lessons to adapt to the individual flow of each class.
Corinne Boyer (US)
"Coming from a background in traditional witchcraft, folk magic, plant lore and trance work, I felt that even with all of the tools that I had already acquired, there was something missing. I am so glad that I followed my intuition and had the opportunity to work with Johannes. My training with him has far exceeded my expectations….
If you are called to working closely with spirits, helping others in the invisible realm, doing the practical and getting your hands dirty type of folk magic, if you enjoy being challenged and problem solving, and if you have high ethics in regards to your magical work, Johannes is a wonderful guide, mentor, teacher and resource."

Carl Nordblom (Swe)
"I started being interested in the occult in my late teens, and have been “dabbling” with ceremonial and modern types of magic since then. However, I never found a practice which really seemed to put emphasis on results, as well as being comprehensive enough to really go to the depths of things…With decades of experience and being extremely well-versed...Johannes has the ability to meet the student at their individual level and sees where their strengths are at, along with where they need more training…Each session brings about a new discovery, method or insight, which deepen and solidifies my practice of magic and spirit work in ways I previously thought were impossible."

"C" (Swe)
"Due to some small but significant coincidences I found out about Johannes Gårdbäck, and I reached out to him to learn more about becoming an apprentice. From our very first session I found that I had learned more practical and useful material than from my 15+ prior years of researching on my own.
As a teacher Johannes has a keen ability to cut through to what's immediately effective...I find the training challenging in many ways, but the rewards are immense. And I value every minute of it."